MUSICA DE Ricky Martin

Ricky Martin - Freedom For The World.

Letra de Ricky Martin - Freedom For The World.
Look at the madness........
faces of the sadness.......
peoplea re trying to survive.......
and when it isn't so.......
the children are wondering why.
We must keep our promise.......
the truth is aparting us.......
peace is the word of the day...
and when you start.....
that your heart'll lead the way.
Look around...and what do you see.....
all the misery.....the pain you see...
can't believe....some of the things i see...that's going on'''is wrong.
Everybody.....all over this world......
we've to get along......
if we don't get together.......
we will be gone........
* i'm talking about....freedom for you and me....
freedom for the world.
freedom ...for you and me....
freedom for the world.
Think of tomorrow....without any sorrow.....
and what a world will be....
and what do you start....within your heart.....
'''''''you'll see........
People are praying.......people are saying.....
how long can this go on......
it isn't right fight for the right.....
that we're belong.
Everybody....all over this world.....
raise your voices in one song........
'cause life is too short....and hey !'re gone.
* i'm talking about....freedom for you and me....
freedom for the world.
freedom ...for you and me....
freedom for the world.

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